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+52 55 6347 3706       WARNING

There are thousands of photographers but very few of us work with a high standard of professionalism.

Being a professional photographer is not about style or technique, since the appreciation of aesthetic qualities is subjective. Being a professional implies an ethical, responsible and correct treatment of the model and the photographic material. Being a professional is a total, constant and definitive requirement, especially if we are talking about «sensitive» photographic styles such as glamour, nudity and eroticism.



So making an open invitation to modeling is a huge commitment whose responsibility few photographers can fulfill.

Fortunately the contemporary age is mediated by MeToo considerations. Consequently, the treatment of the models is more careful. In the same way, these are times ruled by social networks where nothing escapes public scrutiny and therefore we must be vigilant so that our treatment -and the nature of the projects- cannot be misinterpreted or uncomfortable to the models.



I have 25 years of immaculate experience in a job that involves certain risks if it is not practiced professionally. I have never had a problem derived from my eroticism and nude sessions. In the same way, I have never had any bad comments on social networks. I am so certain of this statement that I commonly invite my models to google my name and read comments. Fortunately, there are no negative comments from my models.

In fact in Yahoo Answers there are at least 10 entries that are more than 10 years old and that are related to my nude photographic work. These types of comments are public and cannot be controlled. Whether they are positive or negative, they will stay there. In my case, none of the questions or answers have negative connotations.



I am in continuous search for models. I have a wide variety of projects where you can participate. Projects are always different. There are models to whom I only photograph specific parts of the body such as the eyes, hands, feet, tummy or booty. Sometimes I require special models with tattoos, scars or any physical handicap, etc. I need models showings as  fashion, glamour, nude or eroticism.

I do not impose any project but I have rules to work. The most important is have a fully understanding of the natura of the project and feel it comfortable with it. My models must be fully convinced with the project. They must feel safe and happy with on a cool mood. If model is not convinced or feel uncomfortable; I don’t work with her.

If you are interested in knowing my projects or you want to propose any for you, please feel free to look for me trough the contact interface and book a meeting.




If you are interested in a TFP exchange or collaborate in any of my photographic projects, you are welcome to contact me. I share 50-50% the profits from certain projects.

Please read carefully:

  1. This opportunity is for adults only. If you are underage, you SHOULD NOT contact me. To book a meeting I always request in advance official ID as proof of age.
  1. ALL my TFP projects photographs; are intended only for Galleries, Museums, Books and Private Collections. They all are numbered limited edition private artwork.
  1. Consequently, they DO NOT have any kind of public exposure. So finally, just a few persons are allowed to view this material.



  1. This means that if you are a model your anonymity is guaranteed in all cases. I always work with signed NDA. So, you are legally protected.
  1. Besides, if the project is nude related, I don’t photograph the face of the model and I take care of absolutely every detail allow to identify her.
  1. Regarding the exposure, I don’t upload photo or video derived from my sessions on any social networks. In the same way I don’t share or sale photographs or video derived from my sessions on fan pages, online stores or adult websites.
  1. Please consider that I only photograph women. Transgender models are welcome too.




I always looking for models with beautiful booty. I have many related projects for that matter. You are welcome to contact me if you are interested in book an information meeting about Derrière Project.

Please consider that same TFP rules apply.


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