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Before hiring him, I search out about his work. I found many comments on Yahoo Answers from over last ten years. All were positive. And when I met him, I understood why he was admire like that. He is a great person. Friendly and very funny. I loved the photographs he took me.


Twenty years ago, Alejandro photographed me in a very beautiful way. A year ago, when my daughter turned 18; I gave her a session as a gift. Alejandro is a great photographer but above all he is a great person. Great man, great photographer and since then a great friend.


He solve everything. The wardrobe, the stylish, the location. It also gives you modeling fundamentals, teaching you how to model if you don’t have experience. The result? My photos were beautiful. I couldn’t believe I looked like that. I never perceived myself that way. I love this guy. And I will be back for another session very soon.


As a model I was surprised by all the security and confidentiality aspects which he drives. At that point he works with minimal staff or even no staff at all. It allowed my attorney to be present for the planning meeting. We signed two legal documents and he handed me the photographs on a fingerprint activation USB. I have actually met several photographers and none of them work that way. All-Pro.


I met Alejandro during a nude photo session with Spencer Tunick at La Calavera Festival at San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato; Mexico. We met naked so since the beginning everything become easy, fun and relaxed. Taking off that successful beginning we spent the week end great. Posing for him was a consequence of his sympathy, smile and charm. I really appreciated how he used their imagination to please me naked …


I am a public person and wanted to keep privacy a photo shooting with him. He completely  understood and agree with legal terms. He took all kinds of precautions. We signed an NDA just for the planning meeting and another for the photo session. He did not allow staff during the session and did not post anything about it on social media or on his website. It was a pleasant experience and I really appreciate his commitment.


I have done three TFP with him and took part of amazing sessions. Posing was kinky. An exciting adventure. Seeing yourself naked in circumstances under your control empowers you so. And seeing yourself as a woman gives you a different perspective from your sexuality and eroticism. It was a truly different experience where I discover something about myself on every picture we made.


I have been modeling three times for Alejandro photoshoots. He is quite a gentleman and a professional that I already consider a friend. My photos are beautiful and the experience was fun and unique. I consider myself a conservative woman but the way he carries you during the session is so smooth that you hardly notice it. Suddenly you’re already naked. When you reach that point, he becomes even more careful and convincing. Almost seductive.


I have a private collection of erotic art and I have seven photos of Piedra Buena on it. If I compare him with famous photographers, his work is as prominent or even more, but he has the disadvantage of being Latino and having low exposure. He has a very peculiar aesthetic. It is convincing. He had an enormous ability to hear and build exactly the image that I request. And also, he works with amazing model. They are hot, bold and beautiful.


Traveling from Prague to Mexico makes sense if you get a session with the best photographer in the world, at Playa del Carmen, at the Basic Hotel. And also, to enjoy a romantic evening on the beach. Thanks to Alejandro for your skill as a photographer, your sympathy as a person and your personality as a man. We must repeat it again.


I took his nude photography workshop and learned nothing. In fact, I can’t remember anything he said. The only proof that I was there are the hundreds of photographs I took of the Czech model. I had never seen such a perfect and beautiful woman. I learned everything about her and I could make a portrait of every inch of her body. I don’t even remember seeing Alejandro in the workshop but I will never forget his model.


My BFF talk about it. She convince me. He made her photos one month ago. She recommended him  lot and I hired him to do a nude session. I had never ever done it and I had so many doubts. I was nervous. He guided me in a very professional way. He take his time. It made me feel comfortable, safe and above all, very beautiful. I highly recommend the experience.


I have been modeling for a long time and this is the first time that a photographer does a wardrobe tryout a planning PreShoot for me. I’ve never seen a photographer take a photo session so seriously. His approach to detail was outstanding. He was a perfectionist even on the smallest aspects. And their care in protecting the identity of the model was really sincerely really appreciated. Great pictures. What a feeling.


Her BDSM photos are not shocking because he goes beyond practice and focuses on the mood. It is not easy to give style to such a controversial activity. He has taken a different approach to BDSM mostly focusing on the instruments and not the participants. Turn people into tools. He is truly one of the best photographers in Mexico.


I met him during a trip in Tokyo. I loved its simplicity and low profile. I bought one of his photographs and later, assist one of his workshops. His work is very good and but I think it lacks marketing. He should have a better awareness for his brand.


Ten years ago, I met Alejandro Piedra Buena because he was interviewed on Martha Debayle’s radio show and I booked a session. I will be eternally grateful for the way he captured my beauty. The first time I saw the photos I cried. I was a very attractive young woman. Since then, I have been married and have had two beautiful girls. Those photos will be a legacy for my daughters and grandchildren as a reminder of how beautiful I was.


We did a photo session in Holbox so we have to spend the night together in a hotel boutique small room. He was a gentleman. A true professional in his behavior. Caring, respectful, kind and very nice. I loved that he made me laugh all the time. During the shooting sometimes I was so comfortable to forgot that I was naked. I don’t know how I dared but I did it easily. Nice and easy.


I attended his creative style workshop and I was pleasantly surprised. The exercises were simple but effective. It didn’t matter the quality of the camera or the locations. The key was to exercise the creative sense of composition. Learn to structure the environment. Combine elements, lights and color. Alejandro insisted that photographing was not achieve with the eyes but with the heart. Feel more than see. I loved that unique use of perception.


I have been photographer for 5 years and I have already taken two workshops with Piedra Buena. They are without a doubt the best I have attended. I learned a lot and had even more fun. He taught me ethical and legal aspects of the business that no one else tells you about. A true expert.


An extraordinary photographer with a privileged eye. Her erotic photographs are hard but at the same time, perfect in composition and lighting. His black & white work is truly great. It turns explicit images into something elegant. He is a true Master of the nude.


I did a TFP with him because he approached me in a Starbucks. He request me to look into his website and if I feel comfortable to email him. I was not a model but I was very pretty. So, I write him and finally three months later we do a photo shoot. And everything become a pleasant surprise when six months later, he sold two photographs from the session to an Italy art Gallery. I get profits in a way I didn’t expect. Now I am on his list of available models. LOL!!!


I loved the modeling experience and I loved my photographs. With him, I have updated my portfolio for the last 5 years. My only complaint is that he is so difficult to find but when you see the result you understand that certainly it worth it.

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