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+52 55 6347 3706       WARNING

I’m mexican. The website language is English because it is a common language to most of my visitors from Europe, America and Asia. Please consider that English language is NOT my mother tongue. Consequently, the texts may present errors in spelling, writing and grammar. The content was written by myself doing my best, but recognizing that my writing skills and vocabulary are limited.


  1. This site contains nudity. If you are a minor, YOU SHOULD NOT access to it.
  1. Explicit images are NOT public. For any subject related to them, it is necessary request access or personal appointment through a gallery, art dealer or photo art broker.
  1. This site is referential and NOT for content generation. The content displayed is always the same and only intended to exemplify my photography styles.



  1. Most of my photographs are Limited Edition, consequently their exposure is legally prohibited or conditioned. Therefore, the material shown here is only a small fraction of my portfolio.
  2. The displayed material is copyrighted. To prevent it from being indexed and illegally shared by search engines or illegally downloaded by users; I present it in thumbnails of 313 x 209 pixels in JPG format. The thumbnails do NOT have the enlargement or “save image” function active. The size is sufficient to appreciate the image but obviously not to appreciate details. I regret the condition, but my purpose is to avoid any misappropriation, exhibition or illegal print and sale of my work.  



  1. Of course, all the thumbnails correspond to an original photograph (most of them) in a RAW file of 7360 x 4912 pixels with an average weight of 35 megabytes. Obviously size depends of the year that the photo was made. After 30 years on career I have been get multiple digital files and even some film files working on dark rooms.
  1. Im an ALL-PRO photographer. Being a professional photographer is not about style or technique, since the appreciation of aesthetic qualities is subjective. Being a professional implies an ethical, responsible and correct treatment of the model and the photographic material. Being a professional is a total, constant and definitive requirement, especially with «sensitive» photographic styles such as glamor, nudity and eroticism. I have 25 years of immaculate experience performing styles that involves certain risks if it is not practiced professionally. These are MeToo times. These are «social networks times -where nothing escapes public scrutiny-. That is why now, more than ever; Im a professional. There are no reason to put my career and prestige on any risk. All I request from my models is posing for beautiful photographs. Nothing more -and certainly- nothing less.
  1. My photographic material is only intended for Galleries, Museums, Books and Private Collections. Specific selections of my work are listed as a private artwork, numbered and authenticated as a limited edition.



  1. I only photograph women. The identity of the models is protected by a signed NDA that guarantees anonymity. All models were over age of 18 at the time of planning their shoot, signing the NDA and taking the photoshoot. Each model was fully identified through an original official document that I saved as photocopy or scan.
  1. My photographic files are always strictly and carefully protected. To avoid risks of hacking or theft, they are stored on hard drives protected in bank safes. My photographic material is never kept on personal computers or stored in iCloud. I didn’t share files on eMail or WhatsApp. Also I only deliver session photo files directly to my clients on high tech digital fingerprint encrypted personal USB.



  1. No photography or video derived from my sessions is shared with fan pages, online stores or adult websites. None has been or is for sale outside the channels or applications specified here. Eventually, photo and video material appears online identified with my name or brand, on video platforms or adult websites. THIS MATERIAL IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE. I DO NOT SHARE OR TRADE MATERIAL WITH WEBSITES OR APPS. In the same way, eventually; photographic material identified with my name or brand appears on sale at website stores. None of these photographs are of my authorship nor they are authenticated with my item safe code for Limited Edition. As an author, I do not assume any responsibility for the illegal nature of material who have been not purchased directly from me or partnership Galleries. Also, eventually; fake accounts appear under my brand or name eventually. Please don’t follow them or -even better- report them. I do not have any social account other than those linked here. I definitely do NOT have account on any adult pages and I have no official fan account or official relationship with any.
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  1. This site guarantees the ethical treatment of Personal Information worldwide. In Europe on compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). In United States on compliance with the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 S.Code § 41 et seq.). In Mexico on compliance with the Legal Provisions of July 5, 2010 in the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares (Ley de Protección de Datos) and the Regulations on Ley de Protección de Datos published at the Diario Oficial de la Federación on December 21, 2011. In the same way, it attends the guides issued by Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales INAI, as the guaranteeing authority of compliance with the right to the protection of personal data.


Any request to enforce ARCO rights will be managed through the contact interface of this site.

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