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The situation in Tibet is very sad and critical. And every day the possibility of saving the country, culture and religion from the devastating and brutal invasion of China, diminishes.

At the global level, there are multiple organizations that operate with the purpose of mitigate the damage. These organizations are based in different countries and have generated great experience and prestige. For several years they have worked closely and constantly with human rights, education, culture and religion organizations.

If you are interested in learn about the situation in Tibet and help in any way, please click on the logos and approach any of these organizations.

I hope you find a reason to help. Thank you.





Students For a Free Tibet (SFT) is a global grassroots network of students and activists working in solidarity with the Tibetan people for human rights and freedom. The group uses education, advocacy, and nonviolent direct action with the goal of achieving Tibetan independence. SFT advocates self-determination for Tibet because of Tibet’s historical status as well as opposing the Chinese government’s violation of the Tibetan people’s human rights, cultural heritage, environment, language and religion.

Free Tibet is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, independent of all governments (including the Central Tibetan Administration) and funded entirely by supporters from all over the world. Free Tibet started life in 1987, when were named Tibet Support Group UK. Then were renamed as Free Tibet Campaign in 1996 and made one further name change in 2008, becoming Free Tibet. In 2020 were merged with Tibet Society. Tibet Society was founded in 1959, within weeks of the flight of the Dalai Lama from Tibet following the uprising against China’s occupation.

Casa Tibet México is an educational and non-sectarian cultural institution, founded in July 1989 under the auspices of His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Government in Exile and the Tibet Office in New York, as the first official representation of the Tibetan people for Latin America. Becoming the third institution of its kind founded in the world after the House of Tibet in New Delhi and New York. In recent years, nine more venues have joined this family; the Casa del Tibet Barcelona, ​​Paris, London, Italy, Moscow, Switzerland, Holland, Frankfurt, Berlin and Budapest.

The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) is a non-profit advocacy group working to promote democratic freedoms for Tibetans, ensure their human rights, and protect Tibetan culture and the environment. Founded in 1988, is the world’s largest Tibet-related NGO, with several thousand members and strong bases of support in North America and Europe. It maintains offices in Washington D.C., Amsterdam, Brussels and Berlin. ICT’s work focuses on three main areas: reporting on the situation inside Tibet, advocating for Tibet with governments, and reaching out to Chinese individuals, organizations, and media entities.

The Tibet Fund is a nonprofit organization based in New York City, NY, US; founded in 1981 under the auspices of the Dalai Lama, The Tibet Fund is the primary funding organization for the health, education, refugee rehabilitation, cultural preservation and economic development programs that enable Tibetans in exile and in their homeland to sustain their language, culture and national identity. The organization works closely with the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala, India to implement programs for the 120,000 refugees living in settlements and scattered communities in India, Nepal, and Bhutan.

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